Today the HTC One (M8) released on T-Mobile so I went and snagged myself one. I read up before hand on what tools to use to break this thing open for its full potential, warranty voided 😀 Within an hour of owning it got it unlocked, TWRP, rooted, and s-off. Loading the best ROM out for HTC devices currently, ViperOneM8
I read about the new bug from the source, but is one of those things is hard to understand its potential unless is explained. This short video does just that. It is twice that such a huge hole was found in SSL libraries this year. First couple months ago with apples ‘goto fail’ that didn’t try to follow the rules. Now this one by fibbing to the server about length of the heartbeat.
On visit this weekend to see my sister and family we went to Annapolis inner harbor to spend some time out side after getting sushi. This is my favorite picture. Everything was calm until told my niece and nephew to say Cheese lol
I found this sweet time lapse of rebuilding what looks like an old British car. I love the part at the end with the spare parts lol. I always end up with spare parts 🙂