
This was the time lapse from a camping trip at Linn Run State Park. Notice that the power went out in the video, we didn’t get power until the following day.


The song is is Black Joe Lewis & The Honeybears I seen these guys at the rex theatre couple years ago, good show.



I saw this when stopping at the drug store on my lunch break. I had to stop and snap a picture on way back. They had a full roster and each was wearing a base ball cap. Lol Sure took one for the team, bunch of hats possibly ruined.



Laser Beams from New Years Party!


The next process in the trash remains of a snack. This date seed was germinated about 2 months ago.

The rock on the pot appears to have a few fossils in it. It was found at blue hens falls at Cuyahoga Fall.


Energy does not die, it transforms.


Time Lapse Test

This was my follow up attempt and ensuring that my camera / CHDK still worked on my camera.


Pesto Spaghetti Squash


This conglomerate was made to use up some of a big of pesto batch that I made a short time ago.


1 med – large spaghetti squash
1 white onion
2 cloves of garlic
1-2 tablespoon olive oil
1 can of diced tomatoes (drained)
1/4 cup pesto Feta (optional)


Preheat oven to 350 deg.  Cut the squash in half long wise and remove the seeds. with a fork poke several holes through the skin. place on baking sheet cut side down for an hour.

Heat frying pan Med / Med-High with a splash of olive oil, add one chopped onion.  When onion is slightly translucent add chopped garlic and cook for additional 2-3 minutes.  Then add the can of diced tomatoes, mixing thoroughly.  Next add your pesto and you are almost there.  I at this point added some spice, it was top secret spice packet that is classified to civilians, but can do it with some Italian seasoning+Salt+Pepper.

Getting the spaghetti squash out involved scraping it out of the skin.  You can use a spoon or fork to get it to come out.  Just don’t burn yourself for goodness sake.  Add this to the mixture in the sauce pan and mix it up.  Top with feta.. then enjoy.